
Moon Water by Pam Webber would make the perfect gift for the summer-loving women on your gift list. It follows Nettie and her friend Win over the course of the summer of 1969.  Half of the book centers around their lives in a small town in the Blue Ridge Mountains–with boys and baptism on their minds. The other half of the book follows the girls as they learn to build a traditional Monacan dream catcher from Win’s medicine woman grandmother. It’s an adventurous historical fiction that pays homage to nature and is filled with interesting information about Monacan culture. You can purchase Moon Water here.


It’s summer of 2020 as I write this, and masks are all the rage.  Seriously though, I’m sure medicine woman Nibi from Moonwater would have supported the current use of masks to stop the spread of Covid-19.  In theme with Moon Water, this mask has dream catchers on the fabric. You can purchase it from Etsy here.


Early in the novel, Nettie and Win are invited to sample some cinnamon rock candy and fall victim to a cayenne pepper prank.  These rock candies from Gourmetuca are almost certain to be cayenne-free and would make a fun accompanying gift to Moon Water

For another bookish gift idea for women, check out this post.

What books are you reading this summer? Share in the comments.