
You’re stuck at home quarantined because of the Coronavirus and all you want are some good books. How can you get them without leaving your house?

For Free:

1. Libraries: Most libraries seem to have closed, but you can still get e-books and audiobooks from the library. Two apps to do this are:

  • Libby
  • Overdrive (if Libby isn’t compatible with your device, this should be. They’re owned by the same company).

Go to the app store on your device or if you want to download them on your computer you can go to libbyapp.com You download the app for free. Connect it to your library and then your library card.

  • Hoopla: Some libraries are hear instead of Libby/Overdrive. Your library system should direct you to the right app.

2. Project Gutenberg:  Free books available on-line in which the copyright has expired.

3. Children’s book publisher, Mims House Books, has made their back list of ebooks and audiobooks available for free. 


E-books for free or cheap:

1. Book Bub: This site runs sales of ebooks. If you sign up for their email list they send you a daily email with ebooks that are free or under $3.

2. Kindle Unlimited: You can download unlimited ebooks and audiobooks from the Kindle Unlimited library for $9.99 a month. If you own a Kindle Fire, then you can join Kindle Unlimited for two months for free.


1. Libro.fm: This is a way to buy audio books from your local independent bookstore. You can buy the audiobook outright, or you can get a membership for $14.99 a month for one audiobook a month. The first month is usually free.

2. Audible: Same as above but through Amazon. In addition to your monthly book you also get 2 Amazon Originals.

3.  Kobo: Membership is only $9.99 a month for one book a month and the first one is free.

Print Books:

1. Physical Bookstores-Check the websites and/or Facebook pages of local independent bookstores. Many of them are temporarily delivering. This is also a great way to support a small business that probably doesn’t have the margin to handle this situation for very long.

2. On-line bookstores-

  • IndieBound and Bookshop: Here you can buy books from independent books and have them mailed to you.
  • Barnes and Noble
  • Amazon (note: Amazon is deprioritizing book shipment in order focus on delivery of household items and medical supplies)
  • Thrift Books:  on-line used bookstore with cheap books


books shouldn’t be denied because you’ve been quarantined with the Coronavirus. Here’s hoping you can find all the stories your heart desires. Stay healthy!

For book recommendations to take your mind off the current situation, check out these posts:

Books about striving for a better world

Books that feature fantastic friendships

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“Busting Boredom for Quarantined Grown-ups “