
Jeimy Moto 

from A Novel Idea

New adult book expert, Jeimy Moto is the creator of a little corner of the internet called A Novel Idea, a small blog that is dedicated to all things books, bullet journals, and writing. She is 25 years old and currently residing in the historic state of Pennsylvania. Jeimy enjoys reading romance and fantasy novels, coding, drinking excessive amounts of black coffee and playing the sims. When she’s not doing any of the above, she’s fantasizing about the book she will never finish writing (lol). 

Me: Tell us a little about your blog and what motivated you to start it?

Jeimy: A Novel Idea was something that I’d been trying to do for a very long time. Blogging was a hobby I wanted to attempt but could never commit to. During the beginning of 2019, as a resolution, I took the jump. I went ahead and created my little corner of the internet where I could gush and talk about books, writing, and eventually planning! 

Me: Can you give a short description of and link us to your all-time favorite blog post?

Jeimy: My Own posts ;-):

Summer Vacation Book Tag – A fun little book tag where you pick 10 of your favorite book worlds you wish you could spend Summer in. 

Beating Writer’s Block: 5 Things to do to help unravel your thoughts – A post where I share some of the things I do to help me get the words flowing when I am afflicted with writer’s block.

Other Bloggers:

How to organize your reading life as a book blogger by Drizzle and Hurricane – For those of you who haven’t ventured over to Marie’s blog, I highly recommend you do! Marie’s posts are always an anticipated read for me, and she offers some great advice in her discussion posts! This post offers some great tips that have helped me as a newbie book blogger. 

Me: What exactly are “New Adult” books?

Jeimy: New Adult is a newly acknowledged genre in which the characters are in the 18 – 30 age bracket. The books usually touch upon themes like leaving home, being in college, exploring and developing sexuality, and making career choices. Think of it as being for “Older Young Adults”.

Me: What do you like about new adult books?

Jeimy: New Adult books are more relatable to me now that I’m older. I get to read about characters that are my age and possibly going through something similar to myself. I still read books that are centered around teenagers, but the genre explores deeper into what being a budding adult is like. It doesn’t shy away from sexuality, impending life-changing choices, and maturity like some Young Adult novels tend to do. 

Me: Can you recommend three New Adult books (with short descriptions) that you recommend as an introduction to the genre?

Bully by Penelope Douglas – Jared and Tate were inseparable as children. However, things changed. Jared is no longer the sweet little boy that Tate relied on after the loss of her mother. No. Jared seems hell-bent on making her life miserable. Little does he know that Tate isn’t that little girl anymore either. 

Wait for You by Jennifer L Armentrout – Going to school a thousand miles away from her hometown, Avery Morgensten has escaped what happened to her years ago at a Halloween party. She can live a normal life as long as she’s a good student and goes to class on time, keeps her bracelet on, and make new friends….but she wasn’t counting on making friends with the one person that can steer her away from a normal life. 

The Deal by Elle Kennedy – Hannah Wells finally has a crush on someone but he doesn’t know that she exists! In order to get out of her comfort zone, she has to do something drastic. Like strike a deal with Garret Graham, star hockey player and possibly the cockiest man she’s ever met. The plan is simple, fake a date with Garret to get her crush’s attention. Little does she know that Garret has other things in store.

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