
Look I can’t read every book. There are going to be books you’ll want to read a review of that I just haven’t read.  Should such a tragedy occur, I’ve got you covered with 5 book reviewers to rave about.   

1. Carla at Happiest When Reading posts short lists with short reviews and a rating. This enough to give you a taste of the book and then you click on her link for more.  She reads widely and often.

2. Catherine at the Gilmore Guide to Books is a seasoned book reviewer.  Her list of reviews is long and deep. She posts several book reviews a week.  Another wide reading lady.

3. Kristina at Books and Dachshunds combines books and mental health talks–sometimes together, sometimes separately. She also chats about gaming, bullet journaling, and other non-bookish interests.  

4. Christine at The Uncorked Librarian could be my twin. Actually, we don’t look anything alike but her love of books, traveling, cats, and wine speaks to my soul. She usually reviews books by location (i.e. North Carolina).   

5. Steff at Reader Fox focuses mostly on young adult books, but occasionally reviews adult books. She is an aspiring author and works with dyslexic kids–which as you might know is a calling near and dear to my heart.

If you enjoyed these websites, you might also enjoy my post 12 Top Notch Book Blogs.

Also, please share your thoughts on these book reviewers or others in the comments below.


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